- No member is denied coverage! All insurance products are guaranteed issue for members during their initial year of eligibility.
- Benefits paid from these policies do not coordinate with the company provided benefits and are paid in addition to any benefits provided by the company's plans.
- All policies, except disability, are fully portable with no change in benefits or cost.
- Available to family members.
- Individually owned – lifetime benefits.
- Strike Waiver of Premium provision on most plans.
- Premiums collected through payroll deduction.

+Long Term Care Rider
Coverage available for members, spouse, dependent chidren under age 26, and grandchildren under age 16. Cost will never go up. Death benefit will never go down.

Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is purchased for a particular purpose or period of time. It is used for mortgage protection or income replacement due to the loss of a spouse or parent

Lifetime Benefit Term
Family Protection - Guaranteed - Plus Benefits for Long Term Care (LTC)
Members - Guaranteed Issue up to $100,000
Spouse - Guaranteed Issue up to $30,000
(Spouse can have no more than 50% of members amount)
Dependent Child – Child Term Rider for $10,000 for additional cost of $4.18 per month.
Benefits for Long Term Care
Pays death benefits in advance for home health care, assisted living, adult day care, and nursing home care.

Critical Illness Insurance
Available to members and their families. The Aetna Critical Illness plan can help you protect your finances. It provides a lump sum cash benefit to you of either: $15,000, $25,000, or $50,000, dependent on what coverage amount you choose.
This cash benefit is paid directly to the insured member when you or a covered family member is diagnosed with a covered serious condition. This plan covers such conditions like heart attack, stroke, cancer, organ transplant, end stage renal failure, coronary artery bypass,
Alzheimer's disease, loss of sight, speech or hearing, coma, paralysis, severe burns, and/or benign brain tumor.
You can use the money to help cover your deductible or everyday expenses like utility bills, mortgage payments or rent, day care and groceries. It’s up to you.
There are other benefits as well. Did you know?
- There’s a one-time skin cancer benefit of $1000
- Up to $25,000 of coverage is guaranteed issue for members (that means we don’t check your health records)
- Dependent children covered at no additional cost.
- Members may also apply for coverage on their spouse.
- There’s no lifetime maximum
- You get additional occurrence and reoccurrence benefits
- You get paid $75 when you take advantage of the health screening benefit (once per year)
- Benefits DO NOT coordinate with group insurance and are payable directly to the

Cancer Insurance Company
Available to members and their families. Benefits are paid directly to the insured while being treated for cancer. These benefits are over and above the benefits paid from the member's major medical plan.
- First Diagnosis Benefit – One-time benefit payable when a Covered Person is first diagnosed with Cancer (other than Skin Cancer) or a Specified Disease. $5,000
- Radiation, Radioactive Isotopes Therapy, Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy administered by a Radiologist, Chemotherapist or Oncologist on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Actual charges up to $5,000 per month.
- Hospital Confinement – Payable for each day a Covered Person is charged the daily room rate by a Hospital for up to 60 days of continuous stay is $200 per day. The benefit for covered children under age 21 is two times the Covered Person’s daily benefit. No Lifetime Maximum.
- Hospital Intensive Care Confinement Benefit of $625 per day. It is reduced by one-half at age 75.
- Wellness Benefit for Cancer screening test such as mammogram, flexible sigmoidoscopy, pap smear, chest X-ray, hemocult stool specimen, or prostate screening up to $50 per calendar year.

Accident Plan
Available to members and their families. This policy helps offset loss of income due an accident. Coverage is provided for accidents that occur on or off the job.

Disability Income
Available to all members who are actively at work. Provides tax-free benefits to offset a loss of income while out of work due to a qualifying disability.
Short Term Disability Income:
- Members select a weekly benefit amount of up to 65% of their salary.
- Ability to increase weekly benefit up to $50 per week on a guaranteed issue basis during annual enrollments if member elects coverage during their first year of eligibility.
- Tax-free benefits begin after 7 days of disability and are payable for up to 26 weeks.
- Benefits payable for "total" and "partial" disabilities.
- Benefits paid for disabling accidents or illnesses that occur off the job.
Long Term Disability Income:
- Members select a benefit amount from $300 to $6,000 per month, not to exceed 60-65% of salary.
- 60-65% of salary to $6,000 per month of benefit is guaranteed issue to members.
- Tax-free benefits begin after 6 months of disability and are payable for up to 5 years.
- Benefits payable for "total" and "partial" disabilities.
- Ability to increase monthly benefit up to $200 per month on a guaranteed issue basis during annual enrollments if member elects coverage during their first year of eligibility.
- Benefits paid for disabling accidents or illnesses that occur off the job.

Hospital Indemnity
Customized to the deductible and out of pocket limit in each employer's health insurance plan. Benefits designed to help with those out of pocket costs.
- Customized to supplement the health insurance provided by the employer.
- Provides a scheduled benefit amount regardless of the benefit paid by the health insurance plan.
- Policy can be designed to provide a scheduled benefit for some or all of the following: hospital admission, daily hospital confinement, hospital intensive care, wellness, emergency room treatment, rehabilitation unit, outpatient surgery, diagnostic procedures, inpatient surgery, lodging, and transportation.

Medicare Supplement & Retiree Dental
Making decisions about Medicare and Retiree Dental coverages can be complicated and confusing. Our professionally certified specialists will assist our Union brothers and sisters in choosing the best plans addressing their individual needs.

***Insurance products must be filed and approved by each State's Department of Insurance. Policy provisions in your state may be slightly different than the provisions shown on this website.