Allied Federation CC Letterhead V1


Effective 7/1/2024 Your Disability plan is changing from AFLAC to CHUBB

IMPORTANT: Due to enhanced benefits and cost savings we have decided to change from Aflac to Chubb as our Disability Provider.

How it works:

Railroad Disability and the Supplemental Sickness plan help the member in a BIG way the first year you are disabled.  What happens when your Supplemental Sickness plan runs out after 12 months? That is where things get challenging for the member in months 13-24.  This is where the Employee Benefit Systems Disability plan comes in.   EBS has designed a plan specifically tailored to Railroad Union Members.  When you are determined to be disabled, and you have met your elimination period, the plan pays $400 per month for the first 9 months after that the plan increases 8x in benefit to $3,500 per month for the next 12 months!  That is right 8x!  Why 8x?  Because that is when your Supplemental Sickness plan will have been exhausted. The current insurance carrier is Unum.

  • You do not need to do anything! 
  • You will automatically be enrolled in the new plan provided and insured through CHUBB. 
  • Your premiums will NO LONGER be deducted through Union dues.  It will either be deducted through a payroll deduction or direct pay depending upon your employer.
  • If you are currently enrolled and have been enrolled for a year on the plan then pre-existing is waived.

Contact EBS:


[email protected]

Features of the New CHUBB Disability Plan

New Rates effective 7/1/2024

CHUBB rates effective July 1, 2024 are as follows:

Members under 60 = $23.63
Members over 60 = $93.07
Grandfathered Members* over 60 who currently have an AFLAC Policy will be grandfathered into their existing rate of $81.00.

*Grandfathered means you had the coverage prior to 7/1/2024

Unique Claims Features

Waiver of Premium

After disabled for 5 or more consecutive days following the elimination period


Physician Claims Review

In cases where claims physician and railroad physician disagree on disability because of fit for duty guidelines then CHUBB will defer to the railroad physician's opinion

Additional Features

Health Champion Resource

Provides Claims Navigation, Medical Travel Assistance, and Financial Advice to insureds following a critical illness diagnosis

Survivor and Advanced Survivor Benefit

3x the disability benefit